Thursday, February 27, 2020

Future Nations School - Mock WEF Presentation

#EachOneReachOne 🙏🏾 Thank you Future Nations School + S’onqoba Vuba for the invitation to watch, learn from and share feedback to the amazing kids of the future’s mock WEF presentations over the weekend.⠀

The confidence. The articulation. The audacity of hope for our future ✨ ⠀

My heart is full. ❤️ #GamorLegacy


In boarding school at Presbyterian Boys' Secondary School, Legon, we grew up reading famous quotes of luminaries vandalizing our class and boarding room buildings 🤫; from Socrates to Nelson Mandela, Wangari Mathaai to Alan Turing. Understandably, most of them we would never get to interact with personally.

In college at University of Florida, a group of us after a Martin Luther King weekend diversity and inclusion retreat: Gatorship, in our accountability circle went round and articulated, dreamt + aspired to leave long-lasting impactful legacies we would not necessarily be remember for.

Mine? To be the conduit for validating the experiences and audaciousness of young people regardless of who we are or where on the African continent we are from. ✊🏾
⭐️ We all look up to folks to be mentors
⭐️ Most often we forget we are the ones someone, somewhere also looks up to
⭐️ What are YOU doing to be the salt and light of your corner?

Each one, reach one. #Urithi