Sunday, May 5, 2013

BarCamp Kasoa 2013 (In Pictures)

I got introduced to BarCamps in DC through Ato Ulzen-Appiah years ago. And I remember the first one I attended, BarCamp Diaspora, was pretty informative.  Last year's BarCamp Accra was my second. BarCamp was the first "un-conference" I had been to where an event was hosted by community leaders for all attendees to have the opportunity to also share/lead and facilitate within small groups. The idea that each person in attendance would have an opportunity, on an equal platform, to educate all present was a step further from innovative, motivational meetings with distinguished panelists. BarCamp Kasoa was held at the ICGC Transformation Center in Accra, on Saturday April 27th with the theme "Making an Enterprising Environment for an Emerging Market." Details of what went down late last month are featured in this extensive post on The Mighty African's Blog here: BarCamp Kasoa 2013