Sunday, January 13, 2013

Help-Portrait Ghana

A group of Ghanaian photographers, led by Mawuli Sikanku, Nana Kwame & Teresa Menka, organized a volunteer, donate photograph session at Akuapem Tutu in Aburi, Ghana called Help-Portrait 2012. In partnership with the Trinity Home Academy Orphanage, Ghanaian photogs, yours truly included, took pictures for the hundreds of kids who were present. Ghanaian reggae rap sensation, Iwan was also present and gave the event some celebrity/media coverage.

The smiles the laughter and of course the sounds of numerous shutters from the Help-Portrait Ghana photogs who volunteered made last Christmas a special one for me.

The orphans were made-up and excited to be in front of the camera; everyone wants their beauty to be appreciated....

The amazing happened as the kids, most orphans, got comfortable in front of our cameras. I don't remember a more worthwhile cause to spend my December 24th at. Looking forward to the the Help-Portrait in whatever country I'm in on December 24th, 2013....

More pictures here: itake photos 1985 on Facebook